

Front Matter actions can also be done using commands. This section of the documentation will provide an explanation of all the available commands.


Some of the commands do also have a default keyboard binding for quick access.

Keyboard bindings

frontMatter.dashboardOpen the Front Matter dashboardalt + doption + dalt + d
frontMatter.insertMediaInsert a media file into your contentctrl + shift + icmd + shift + ictrl + shift + i
frontMatter.insertSnippetInsert a snippet into your contentcmd + shift + vcmd + shift + vcmd + shift + v

Using commands

  • Start by opening the command prompt:
    • Linux & Windows: shift + ctrl + P
    • Mac: shift + cmd + P
  • Use one of the following commands

Useful commands

Initialize project

This command will initialize the project with a template folder and an article template. It makes it easier to get you started with the extension and creating your content.

ID: frontMatter.init

Open dashboard

Opens the dashboard with your Markdown pages overview. If you did not yet initialize your project, the welcome screen will be shown.

ID: frontMatter.dashboard

Open media dashboard

Opens the media dashboard with all your media files.


Open snippet dashboard

Opens the snippet dashboard with all your snippets.

ID: frontMatter.dashboard.snippets

Open data dashboard

Opens the data dashboard with all your data files.


Open taxonomy dashboard

Opens the taxonomy dashboard with all your categories and tags.

ID: frontMatter.dashboard.taxonomy

Insert media into your content

Allows you to quickly insert an media reference in the Markdown file.

ID: frontMatter.insertMedia

Insert snippet into your content

Allows you to quickly insert a snippet in the Markdown file.

ID: frontMatter.insertSnippet

Create new content

With this command, you can easily create content in your project from the defined content types.

ID: frontMatter.createContent

Create new translation

This command allows you to create a new translation for the current content if the multilingual feature is enabled.


More information about the multilingual feature can be found in the multilingual documentation.

ID: frontMatter.i18n.create

Generate slug based on content title

This command generates a clean slug for your content. It removes known stop words, punctuations, and special characters.


You can read more about the slug in the slug documentation.

ID: frontMatter.generateSlug

Set lastmod date

Sets/updates the current modified date in your Markdown file.

ID: frontMatter.setLastModifiedDate

Preview content

Open the site preview of your content in VS Code.

ID: frontMatter.preview

Refresh the settings

This command allows you to refresh the settings from the frontmatter.json file. This is useful when you have updated the settings manually and want to reload them.

ID: frontMatter.settings.refresh

Clear cache

Clears the CMS cache, this removes all processed pages and data from the cache so that the whole cache can be rebuilt.

ID: frontMatter.cache.clear

Diagnostic logging

Opens a virtual Markdown document with detailed information about your Front Matter configuration.

ID: frontMatter.diagnostics


Last updated on

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