Content creation


As each website is different, Front Matter allows you to create content by using content types or templates.

When using content types or templates, Front Matter adapts the metadata fields shown in the editor panel to the corresponding fields in your content type or template.

Front Matter comes with a default content type and template definition which you can adapt to your needs or add your types next to it.

Before you start

Front Matter supports both md and mdx files. If you use the templating functionality, the CMS will automatically use the file extension of the template.

When using content types, the CMS will create the new content based on the following rules:

  1. The extension checks if the content type has the fileType property defined. If set, the CMS uses the file type set in the property.
  2. If the content type has no fileType property defined, the CMS uses the default file type defined in the frontMatter.content.defaultFileType setting. By default, the CMS uses md. If you want to use mdx, you need to set the frontMatter.content.defaultFileType setting to mdx.

How it works

Behind the scenes, Front Matter uses the frontMatter.taxonomy.contentTypes setting (in the frontmatter.json) to understand which type of content you'll use for your website.

Our default content type consists of the following fields:

  • title: string
  • description: string
  • date: datetime
  • preview: image
  • draft: draft
  • tags: tags
  • categories: categories

The default content type will create an individual Markdown file when creating content. If you want to use page bundles, make sure to specify this on the content type level.

We'll use the default one when you start writing your markdown content, and no other content type is defined.

Default content type fields


Last updated on

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